Szybki start interfejsu API

Auto wycinanie

Przekaż obraz i uzyskaj rezultat z usuniętym tłem:

$ curl \
 -u 123:[secret] \
 -F image=@example.jpeg \
 -F 'format=result' \
 -F 'test=true' -o clipped.png
// Requires: org.apache.httpcomponents.client5:httpclient5-fluent

Request request ="")
   .addHeader("Authorization", "Basic MTIzOltzZWNyZXRd")
         .addBinaryBody("image", new File("example.jpeg")) // TODO: Replace with your image
         .addTextBody("format", "result")
         .addTextBody("test", "true") // TODO: Remove for production
         // TODO: Add more upload parameters here
ClassicHttpResponse response = (ClassicHttpResponse) request.execute().returnResponse();

if (response.getCode() == 200) {
   // TODO: Store these if you want to be able to use the Smart Editor
   String imageId = response.getHeader("x-amz-meta-id").getValue();
   String imageSecret = response.getHeader("x-amz-meta-secret").getValue();
   System.out.println("ImageId: " + imageId + ", imageSecret: " + imageSecret);

   // Write result to disk, TODO: or wherever you'd like
   try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("clipped.png")) {
} else {
   System.out.println("Request Failed: Status: " + response.getCode() + ", Reason: " + response.getReasonPhrase());
using (var client = new HttpClient())
using (var form = new MultipartFormDataContent())
   client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", "MTIzOltzZWNyZXRd");
   form.Add(new ByteArrayContent(File.ReadAllBytes("example.jpeg")), "image", "example.jpeg"); // TODO: Replace with your image
   form.Add(new StringContent("result"), "format");
   form.Add(new StringContent("true"), "test"); // TODO: Remove for production
   // TODO: Add more upload parameters here

   var response = client.PostAsync("", form).Result;

   if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
      // TODO: Store these if you want to be able to use the Smart Editor
      var imageId = response.Headers.GetValues("x-amz-meta-id").ToArray()[0];
      var imageSecret = response.Headers.GetValues("x-amz-meta-secret").ToArray()[0];
      Console.WriteLine("ImageId: " + imageId + ", imageSecret: " + imageSecret);

      // Write result to disk, TODO: or wherever you'd like
      FileStream outStream = new FileStream("clipped.png", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None);
      response.Content.CopyToAsync(outStream).ContinueWith((copyTask) => { outStream.Close(); });
       Console.WriteLine("Request Failed: Status: " + response.StatusCode + ", Reason: " + response.ReasonPhrase);
// Requires "request" to be installed (see
var request = require('request');
var fs = require('fs');{
  url: '',
  formData: {
    image: fs.createReadStream('example.jpeg'), // TODO: Replace with your image
    format: 'result',
    test: 'true', // TODO: Remove for production
    // TODO: Add more upload options here
  auth: {user: '123', pass: '[secret]'},
  followAllRedirects: true,
  encoding: null
}, function(error, response, body) {
  if (error) {
    console.error('Request failed:', error);
  } else if (!response || response.statusCode != 200) {
    console.error('Error:', response && response.statusCode, body.toString('utf8'));
  } else {
    // Store these if you want to be able to use the Smart Editor
    let imageId = response.caseless.get('x-amz-meta-id');
    let imageSecret = response.caseless.get('x-amz-meta-secret');

    // Save result
    fs.writeFileSync("clipped.png", body);
$ch = curl_init('');

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,
    array('Authorization: Basic MTIzOltzZWNyZXRd'));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,
      'image' => curl_file_create('example.jpeg'),
      'format' => 'result',
      'test' => 'true' // TODO: Remove for production
      // TODO: Add more upload options here
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);

// Parse the headers to get the image id & secret
$headers = [];
  function($curl, $header) use (&$headers) {
    $len = strlen($header);
    $header = explode(':', $header, 2);
    if (count($header) < 2) // ignore invalid headers
      return $len;
    $headers[strtolower(trim($header[0]))][] = trim($header[1]);
    return $len;

$data = curl_exec($ch);
if (curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE) == 200) {
  // Store these if you want to be able to use the Smart Editor
  $imageId = $headers['x-amz-meta-id'][0];
  $imageSecret = $headers['x-amz-meta-secret'][0];

  // Save result
  file_put_contents("clipped.png", $data);
} else {
  echo "Error: " . $data;
# Requires "requests" to be installed (see
import requests

response =
    files={'image': open('example.jpeg', 'rb')},
        'format': 'result',
        'test': 'true' # TODO: Remove for production
        # TODO: Add more upload options here
    auth=('123', '[secret]')
if response.status_code ==
    # Store these if you want to be able to use the Smart Editor
    image_id = response.headers['x-amz-meta-id']
    image_secret = response.headers['x-amz-meta-secret']

    with open('clipped.png', 'wb') as out:
    print("Error:", response.status_code, response.text)
# Requires: gem install httpclient
require 'httpclient'

client = default_header: {
  "Authorization" => "Basic MTIzOltzZWNyZXRd"

response ="", {
  "image" =>"example.jpeg", "rb"), # TODO: Replace with your image
  "format" => "result",
  "test" => "true" # TODO: Remove for production
  # TODO: Add more upload parameters here

if response.status == 200 then
  # TODO: Store these if you want to be able to use the Smart Editor
  image_id = response.header["x-amz-meta-id"][0]
  image_secret = response.header["x-amz-meta-secret"][0]

  puts "Id: " + image_id.to_s
  puts "Secret: " + image_secret.to_s

  # Write result to disk, TODO: or wherever you'd like"clipped.png", 'w') { |file| file.write(response.body) }
  puts "Error: Code: " + response.status.to_s + ", Reason: " + response.reason
$ curl \
 -u 123:[secret] \
 -F 'image.url=' \
 -F 'format=result' \
 -F 'test=true' -o clipped.png
// Requires: org.apache.httpcomponents.client5:httpclient5-fluent

Request request ="")
   .addHeader("Authorization", "Basic MTIzOltzZWNyZXRd")
         .addTextBody("image.url", "") // TODO: Replace with your image URL
         .addTextBody("format", "result")
         .addTextBody("test", "true") // TODO: Remove for production
         // TODO: Add more upload parameters here
ClassicHttpResponse response = (ClassicHttpResponse) request.execute().returnResponse();

if (response.getCode() == 200) {
   // TODO: Store these if you want to be able to use the Smart Editor
   String imageId = response.getHeader("x-amz-meta-id").getValue();
   String imageSecret = response.getHeader("x-amz-meta-secret").getValue();
   System.out.println("ImageId: " + imageId + ", imageSecret: " + imageSecret);

   // Write result to disk, TODO: or wherever you'd like
   try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("clipped.png")) {
} else {
   System.out.println("Request Failed: Status: " + response.getCode() + ", Reason: " + response.getReasonPhrase());
using (var client = new HttpClient())
using (var form = new MultipartFormDataContent())
   client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", "MTIzOltzZWNyZXRd");
   form.Add(new StringContent(""), "image.url"); // TODO: Replace with your image URL
   form.Add(new StringContent("result"), "format");
   form.Add(new StringContent("true"), "test"); // TODO: Remove for production
   // TODO: Add more upload parameters here

   var response = client.PostAsync("", form).Result;

   if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
      // TODO: Store these if you want to be able to use the Smart Editor
      var imageId = response.Headers.GetValues("x-amz-meta-id").ToArray()[0];
      var imageSecret = response.Headers.GetValues("x-amz-meta-secret").ToArray()[0];
      Console.WriteLine("ImageId: " + imageId + ", imageSecret: " + imageSecret);

      // Write result to disk, TODO: or wherever you'd like
      FileStream outStream = new FileStream("clipped.png", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None);
      response.Content.CopyToAsync(outStream).ContinueWith((copyTask) => { outStream.Close(); });
       Console.WriteLine("Request Failed: Status: " + response.StatusCode + ", Reason: " + response.ReasonPhrase);
// Requires "request" to be installed (see
var request = require('request');
var fs = require('fs');{
  url: '',
  formData: {
    'image.url': '', // TODO: Replace with your image
    format: 'result',
    test: 'true', // TODO: Remove for production
    // TODO: Add more upload options here
  auth: {user: '123', pass: '[secret]'},
  followAllRedirects: true,
  encoding: null
}, function(error, response, body) {
  if (error) {
    console.error('Request failed:', error);
  } else if (!response || response.statusCode != 200) {
    console.error('Error:', response && response.statusCode, body.toString('utf8'));
  } else {
    // Store these if you want to be able to use the Smart Editor
    let imageId = response.caseless.get('x-amz-meta-id');
    let imageSecret = response.caseless.get('x-amz-meta-secret');

    // Save result
    fs.writeFileSync("clipped.png", body);
$ch = curl_init('');

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,
    array('Authorization: Basic MTIzOltzZWNyZXRd'));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,
      'image.url' => '',
      'format' => 'result',
      'test' => 'true' // TODO: Remove for production
      // TODO: Add more upload options here
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);

// Parse the headers to get the image id & secret
$headers = [];
  function($curl, $header) use (&$headers) {
    $len = strlen($header);
    $header = explode(':', $header, 2);
    if (count($header) < 2) // ignore invalid headers
      return $len;
    $headers[strtolower(trim($header[0]))][] = trim($header[1]);
    return $len;

$data = curl_exec($ch);
if (curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE) == 200) {
  // Store these if you want to be able to use the Smart Editor
  $imageId = $headers['x-amz-meta-id'][0];
  $imageSecret = $headers['x-amz-meta-secret'][0];

  // Save result
  file_put_contents("clipped.png", $data);
} else {
  echo "Error: " . $data;
# Requires "requests" to be installed (see
import requests

response =
        'image.url': '',
        'format': 'result',
        'test': 'true' # TODO: Remove for production
        # TODO: Add more upload options here
    auth=('123', '[secret]')
if response.status_code ==
    # Store these if you want to be able to use the Smart Editor
    image_id = response.headers['x-amz-meta-id']
    image_secret = response.headers['x-amz-meta-secret']

    with open('clipped.png', 'wb') as out:
    print("Error:", response.status_code, response.text)
# Requires: gem install httpclient
require 'httpclient'

client = default_header: {
  "Authorization" => "Basic MTIzOltzZWNyZXRd"

response ="", {
  "image.url" => "", # TODO: Replace with your image URL
  "format" => "result",
  "test" => "true" # TODO: Remove for production
  # TODO: Add more upload parameters here

if response.status == 200 then
  # TODO: Store these if you want to be able to use the Smart Editor
  image_id = response.header["x-amz-meta-id"][0]
  image_secret = response.header["x-amz-meta-secret"][0]

  puts "Id: " + image_id.to_s
  puts "Secret: " + image_secret.to_s

  # Write result to disk, TODO: or wherever you'd like"clipped.png", 'w') { |file| file.write(response.body) }
  puts "Error: Code: " + response.status.to_s + ", Reason: " + response.reason
Your Server Image Background Removed CM API

Istnieje wiele dodatkowych opcji konfiguracji przekazania zapewniających pełną kontrolę nad sposobem przetwarzania obrazów.

Zapisując id i secret można nadal używać edytora hostowanego lub white label po przejrzeniu rezultatu.

Inteligentny edytor hostowany

Teoria działania:

  1. Przekaż obraz i uzyskaj id i secret identyfikujące obraz.

  2. Utwórz w swojej witrynie punkt końcowy adresu zwrotnego URL do którego użytkownik może wrócić po zakończeniu wycinania.

  3. Używając id, secret i adresu zwrotnego URL utwórz adres URL inteligentnego edytora hostowanego, w którym użytkownik wytnie tło z obrazu.

  4. Użytkownik przechodzi do adresu URL inteligentnego edytora hostowanego i wycina tło z obrazu.

  5. Po zakończeniu, przeglądarka użytkownika skieruje do adresu zwrotnego URL żądanie HTTP POST. Przeanalizuj parametr clippingMagicJson i pobierz nowo dostępne rezultaty.

Chcesz usuwać tła zbiorczo? Zoptymalizuj przepływ pracy użytkowników oferując im partie obrazów. Obrazy w partii są ustawiane w kolejce do superszybkiego wycinania, z minimalnym lub zerowym przestojem między kolejnymi obrazami.

Przekaż obraz i utwórz adres URL inteligentnego edytora hostowanego

// Requires: org.apache.httpcomponents.client5:httpclient5-fluent
//      and: com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind

Request request ="")
   .addHeader("Authorization", "Basic MTIzOltzZWNyZXRd")
         .addBinaryBody("image", new File("example.jpeg")) // TODO: Replace with your image
         .addTextBody("format", "json")
         .addTextBody("test", "true") // TODO: Remove for production
         // TODO: Add more upload parameters here
ClassicHttpResponse response = (ClassicHttpResponse) request.execute().returnResponse();

if (response.getCode() == 200) {
   // Parse body
   String body = "";
   try (BufferedReader buffer = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(response.getEntity().getContent()))) {
      body = buffer.lines().collect(Collectors.joining("\n"));
   System.out.println("Body: " + body);
   JsonNode image = new ObjectMapper().readTree(body).get("image");

   // TODO: Store these
   String imageId = image.get("id").asText();
   String imageSecret = image.get("secret").asText();
   System.out.println("Id: " + imageId + ", Secret: " + imageSecret);

   // Create Hosted Smart Editor URL
   String returnUrl = ""; // TODO: Replace with your own
   String hostedEditorUrl = String.format("",
      imageId, imageSecret, URLEncoder.encode(returnUrl,;
   System.out.println("Hosted Smart Editor URL: " + hostedEditorUrl);
} else {
   System.out.println("Request Failed: Status: " + response.getCode() + ", Reason: " + response.getReasonPhrase());
using (var client = new HttpClient())
using (var form = new MultipartFormDataContent())
   client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", "MTIzOltzZWNyZXRd");
   form.Add(new ByteArrayContent(File.ReadAllBytes("example.jpeg")), "image", "example.jpeg"); // TODO: Replace with your image
   form.Add(new StringContent("json"), "format");
   form.Add(new StringContent("true"), "test"); // TODO: Remove for production
   // TODO: Add more upload parameters here

   var response = client.PostAsync("", form).Result;

   if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
      // Parse body
      String body = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
      var root = (JsonElement) System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Object>(body);
      var image = root.GetProperty("image");

      // TODO: Store these
      var imageId = image.GetProperty("id").GetInt64();
      var imageSecret = image.GetProperty("secret").GetString();
      Console.WriteLine("Id: " + imageId + ", Secret: " + imageSecret);

      // Create Hosted Smart Editor URL
      String returnUrl = ""; // TODO: Replace with your own
      String encodedReturnUrl = Uri.EscapeDataString(returnUrl);
      String hostedEditorUrl = $"{imageId}:{imageSecret}&returnUrl={encodedReturnUrl}";
      Console.WriteLine("Hosted Smart Editor URL: " + hostedEditorUrl);
       Console.WriteLine("Request Failed: Status: " + response.StatusCode + ", Reason: " + response.ReasonPhrase);
// Requires "request" to be installed (see
var request = require('request');
var fs = require('fs');{
  url: '',
  formData: {
    image: fs.createReadStream('example.jpeg'), // TODO: Replace with your image
    format: 'json',
    test: 'true', // TODO: Remove for production
    // TODO: Add more upload options here
  auth: {user: '123', pass: '[secret]'},
}, function(error, response, body) {
  if (error) {
    console.error('Request failed:', error);
  } else if (!response || response.statusCode != 200) {
    console.error('Error:', response && response.statusCode, body.toString('utf8'));
  } else {
    let r = JSON.parse(body);

    // TODO: Store these
    let imageId =;
    let imageSecret = r.image.secret;
    console.log("Result", r, imageId, imageSecret);

    // Create Hosted Smart Editor URL
    let returnUrl = ''; // TODO: Replace with your own
    let hostedEditorUrl = '' +
      '?images=' + imageId + ':' + imageSecret +
      '&returnUrl=' + encodeURIComponent(returnUrl);
    console.log("Hosted Smart Editor URL", hostedEditorUrl);

$ch = curl_init('');

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,
    array('Authorization: Basic MTIzOltzZWNyZXRd'));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,
      'image' => curl_file_create('example.jpeg'),
      'format' => 'json',
      'test' => 'true' // TODO: Remove for production
      // TODO: Add more upload options here
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

$data = curl_exec($ch);
if (curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE) == 200) {
  $r = json_decode($data, true);

  // TODO: Store these
  $imageId = $r['image']['id'];
  $imageSecret = $r['image']['secret'];

  echo "Id: " . $imageId . ", secret: " . $imageSecret;

  // Create Hosted Smart Editor URL
  $returnUrl = ''; // TODO: Replace with your own
  $hostedEditorUrl = '' .
      '?images=' . $imageId . ':' . $imageSecret .
      '&returnUrl=' . urlencode($returnUrl);
  echo "Hosted Smart Editor URL: " . $hostedEditorUrl;
} else {
  echo "Error: " . $data;
# Requires "requests" to be installed (see
import requests
import json
from urllib.parse import quote # Python 3, urllib.quote for Python 2

response =
    files={'image': open('example.jpeg', 'rb')},
        'format': 'json',
        'test': 'true' # TODO: Remove for production
        # TODO: Add more upload options here
    auth=('123', '[secret]')
if response.status_code ==
    r = json.loads(response.content)

    # TODO: Store these
    imageId = r["image"]["id"];
    imageSecret = r["image"]["secret"];
    print("Result", r, imageId, imageSecret);

    # Create Hosted Smart Editor URL
    returnUrl = '' # TODO: Replace with your own
    hostedEditorUrl = '' + \
      '?images=' + str(imageId) + ':' + imageSecret + \
      '&returnUrl=' + quote(returnUrl)
    print("Hosted Smart Editor URL", hostedEditorUrl)

    print("Error:", response.status_code, response.text)
# Requires: gem install httpclient
require 'httpclient'
require 'uri'
require 'json'

client = default_header: {
  "Authorization" => "Basic MTIzOltzZWNyZXRd"

response ="", {
  "image" =>"example.jpeg", "rb"), # TODO: Replace with your image
  "format" => "json",
  "test" => "true" # TODO: Remove for production
  # TODO: Add more upload parameters here

if response.status == 200 then
  # Parse body
  image = JSON.parse(response.body)["image"]

  # TODO: Store these
  image_id = image["id"]
  image_secret = image["secret"]
  puts "Id: " + image_id.to_s + ", Secret: " + image_secret.to_s

  # Create Hosted Smart Editor URL
  returnUrl = "" # TODO: Replace with your own
  encodedReturnUrl = URI.encode_www_form_component(returnUrl)
  hostedEditorUrl = "{image_id}:#{image_secret}&returnUrl=#{encodedReturnUrl}"
  puts "Hosted Smart Editor URL: " + hostedEditorUrl
  puts "Error: Code: " + response.status.to_s + ", Reason: " + response.reason
// Requires: org.apache.httpcomponents.client5:httpclient5-fluent
//      and: com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind

Request request ="")
   .addHeader("Authorization", "Basic MTIzOltzZWNyZXRd")
         .addTextBody("image.url", "") // TODO: Replace with your image URL
         .addTextBody("format", "json")
         .addTextBody("test", "true") // TODO: Remove for production
         // TODO: Add more upload parameters here
ClassicHttpResponse response = (ClassicHttpResponse) request.execute().returnResponse();

if (response.getCode() == 200) {
   // Parse body
   String body = "";
   try (BufferedReader buffer = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(response.getEntity().getContent()))) {
      body = buffer.lines().collect(Collectors.joining("\n"));
   System.out.println("Body: " + body);
   JsonNode image = new ObjectMapper().readTree(body).get("image");

   // TODO: Store these
   String imageId = image.get("id").asText();
   String imageSecret = image.get("secret").asText();
   System.out.println("Id: " + imageId + ", Secret: " + imageSecret);

   // Create Hosted Smart Editor URL
   String returnUrl = ""; // TODO: Replace with your own
   String hostedEditorUrl = String.format("",
      imageId, imageSecret, URLEncoder.encode(returnUrl,;
   System.out.println("Hosted Smart Editor URL: " + hostedEditorUrl);
} else {
   System.out.println("Request Failed: Status: " + response.getCode() + ", Reason: " + response.getReasonPhrase());
using (var client = new HttpClient())
using (var form = new MultipartFormDataContent())
   client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", "MTIzOltzZWNyZXRd");
   form.Add(new StringContent(""), "image.url"); // TODO: Replace with your image URL
   form.Add(new StringContent("json"), "format");
   form.Add(new StringContent("true"), "test"); // TODO: Remove for production
   // TODO: Add more upload parameters here

   var response = client.PostAsync("", form).Result;

   if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
      // Parse body
      String body = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
      var root = (JsonElement) System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Object>(body);
      var image = root.GetProperty("image");

      // TODO: Store these
      var imageId = image.GetProperty("id").GetInt64();
      var imageSecret = image.GetProperty("secret").GetString();
      Console.WriteLine("Id: " + imageId + ", Secret: " + imageSecret);

      // Create Hosted Smart Editor URL
      String returnUrl = ""; // TODO: Replace with your own
      String encodedReturnUrl = Uri.EscapeDataString(returnUrl);
      String hostedEditorUrl = $"{imageId}:{imageSecret}&returnUrl={encodedReturnUrl}";
      Console.WriteLine("Hosted Smart Editor URL: " + hostedEditorUrl);
       Console.WriteLine("Request Failed: Status: " + response.StatusCode + ", Reason: " + response.ReasonPhrase);
// Requires "request" to be installed (see
var request = require('request');
var fs = require('fs');{
  url: '',
  formData: {
    'image.url': '', // TODO: Replace with your image
    format: 'json',
    test: 'true', // TODO: Remove for production
    // TODO: Add more upload options here
  auth: {user: '123', pass: '[secret]'},
}, function(error, response, body) {
  if (error) {
    console.error('Request failed:', error);
  } else if (!response || response.statusCode != 200) {
    console.error('Error:', response && response.statusCode, body.toString('utf8'));
  } else {
    let r = JSON.parse(body);

    // TODO: Store these
    let imageId =;
    let imageSecret = r.image.secret;
    console.log("Result", r, imageId, imageSecret);

    // Create Hosted Smart Editor URL
    let returnUrl = ''; // TODO: Replace with your own
    let hostedEditorUrl = '' +
      '?images=' + imageId + ':' + imageSecret +
      '&returnUrl=' + encodeURIComponent(returnUrl);
    console.log("Hosted Smart Editor URL", hostedEditorUrl);

$ch = curl_init('');

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,
    array('Authorization: Basic MTIzOltzZWNyZXRd'));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,
      'image.url' => '',
      'format' => 'json',
      'test' => 'true' // TODO: Remove for production
      // TODO: Add more upload options here
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

$data = curl_exec($ch);
if (curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE) == 200) {
  $r = json_decode($data, true);

  // TODO: Store these
  $imageId = $r['image']['id'];
  $imageSecret = $r['image']['secret'];

  echo "Id: " . $imageId . ", secret: " . $imageSecret;

  // Create Hosted Smart Editor URL
  $returnUrl = ''; // TODO: Replace with your own
  $hostedEditorUrl = '' .
      '?images=' . $imageId . ':' . $imageSecret .
      '&returnUrl=' . urlencode($returnUrl);
  echo "Hosted Smart Editor URL: " . $hostedEditorUrl;
} else {
  echo "Error: " . $data;
# Requires "requests" to be installed (see
import requests
import json
from urllib.parse import quote # Python 3, urllib.quote for Python 2

response =
        'image.url': '',
        'format': 'json',
        'test': 'true' # TODO: Remove for production
        # TODO: Add more upload options here
    auth=('123', '[secret]')
if response.status_code ==
    r = json.loads(response.content)

    # TODO: Store these
    imageId = r["image"]["id"];
    imageSecret = r["image"]["secret"];
    print("Result", r, imageId, imageSecret);

    # Create Hosted Smart Editor URL
    returnUrl = '' # TODO: Replace with your own
    hostedEditorUrl = '' + \
      '?images=' + str(imageId) + ':' + imageSecret + \
      '&returnUrl=' + quote(returnUrl)
    print("Hosted Smart Editor URL", hostedEditorUrl)

    print("Error:", response.status_code, response.text)
# Requires: gem install httpclient
require 'httpclient'
require 'uri'
require 'json'

client = default_header: {
  "Authorization" => "Basic MTIzOltzZWNyZXRd"

response ="", {
  "image.url" => "", # TODO: Replace with your image URL
  "format" => "json",
  "test" => "true" # TODO: Remove for production
  # TODO: Add more upload parameters here

if response.status == 200 then
  # Parse body
  image = JSON.parse(response.body)["image"]

  # TODO: Store these
  image_id = image["id"]
  image_secret = image["secret"]
  puts "Id: " + image_id.to_s + ", Secret: " + image_secret.to_s

  # Create Hosted Smart Editor URL
  returnUrl = "" # TODO: Replace with your own
  encodedReturnUrl = URI.encode_www_form_component(returnUrl)
  hostedEditorUrl = "{image_id}:#{image_secret}&returnUrl=#{encodedReturnUrl}"
  puts "Hosted Smart Editor URL: " + hostedEditorUrl
  puts "Error: Code: " + response.status.to_s + ", Reason: " + response.reason
Your Server Image JSON id + secret CM API Clip Image POST Return URL Hosted Editor URL Fetch Image Background Removed Human Operator

Istnieje wiele dodatkowych opcji konfiguracji przekazania zapewniających pełną kontrolę nad sposobem przetwarzania obrazów.

Szczegółowe informacje zawiera pełna dokumentacja inteligentnego edytora hostowanego.

Utwórz procedurę obsługi adresu zwrotnego URL

Po zakończeniu, przeglądarka użytkownika skieruje do adresu zwrotnego URL żądanie HTTP POST. Przeanalizuj parametr clippingMagicJson i pobierz nowo dostępne rezultaty.

// Requires: org.apache.httpcomponents.client5:httpclient5-fluent
//      and: com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind

String json = ""; // TODO: in your web framework: assign this to the POST form field with key 'clippingMagicJson'

JsonNode root = new ObjectMapper().readTree(json);
String event = root.get("event").asText();
if (event.equals("editor-exit")) {
   JsonNode images = root.get("images"); // contains full list of all images (id & secret)
   JsonNode clipped = root.get("clipped"); // contains list of those images that were marked 'Done'
   JsonNode skipped = root.get("skipped"); // contains list of those images that were skipped
   for (int i = 0; i < clipped.size(); i++) {
      JsonNode image = clipped.get(i);
      String imageId = image.get("id").asText();
      String imageSecret = image.get("secret").asText();
      System.out.println("Clipped: Id: " + imageId + ", Secret: " + imageSecret);

      // Fetch the image itself from the server
      Request request = Request.get("" + imageId)
         .addHeader("Authorization", "Basic MTIzOltzZWNyZXRd");
      ClassicHttpResponse response = (ClassicHttpResponse) request.execute().returnResponse();

      if (response.getCode() == 200) {
         // Write result to disk, TODO: or wherever you'd like
         try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream("clipped-" + imageId + ".png")) {
      } else {
         System.out.println("Request Failed: Status: " + response.getCode() + ", Reason: " + response.getReasonPhrase());
} else if (event.equals("error")) {
   JsonNode error = root.get("error");
   String status = error.get("status").asText();
   String code = error.get("code").asText();
   String message = error.get("message").asText();
   System.out.println("Request Failed: Status: " + status + ", Code: " + code + ", Message: " + message);
String json = ""; // TODO: in your web framework: assign this to the POST form field with key 'clippingMagicJson'
JsonElement root = (JsonElement) System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Object>(json);
String eventCode = root.GetProperty("event").GetString();
if (eventCode == "editor-exit")
   JsonElement images = root.GetProperty("images"); // contains full list of all images (id & secret)
   JsonElement clipped = root.GetProperty("clipped"); // contains list of those images that were marked 'Done'
   JsonElement skipped = root.GetProperty("skipped"); // contains list of those images that were skipped
   foreach (JsonElement image in clipped.EnumerateArray())
      long imageId = image.GetProperty("id").GetInt64();
      String imageSecret = image.GetProperty("secret").GetString();
      Console.WriteLine("Clipped: Id: " + imageId + ", Secret: " + imageSecret);

      // Fetch the image itself from the server
      using (var client = new HttpClient())
         client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", "MTIzOltzZWNyZXRd");
         var response = client.GetAsync("" + imageId).Result;
         if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
            // Write result to disk, TODO: or wherever you'd like
            FileStream outStream = new FileStream("clipped-" + imageId + ".png", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None);
            response.Content.CopyToAsync(outStream).ContinueWith((copyTask) => { outStream.Close(); });
            Console.WriteLine("Request Failed: Status: " + response.StatusCode + ", Reason: " + response.ReasonPhrase);
else if (eventCode == "error")
   JsonElement error = root.GetProperty("error");
   int status = error.GetProperty("status").GetInt32();
   int code = error.GetProperty("code").GetInt32();
   String message = error.GetProperty("message").GetString();
   Console.WriteLine("Request Failed: Status: " + status + ", Code: " + code + ", Message: " + message);
// Using the ExpressJS framework:
var express = require('express');
var bodyParser = require('body-parser');
var request = require('request');
var fs = require('fs');
var app = express();
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ extended: true }));
var port = process.env.PORT || 8080;'/cmReturnUrl', function(req, res) {
    let cm = JSON.parse(req.body.clippingMagicJson);
    switch (cm.event) {
      case "editor-exit":
        for (let im of cm.clipped) {
            url: '' +,
            auth: {user: '123', pass: '[secret]'},
            encoding: null,
          }, function(error, response, body) {
            if (error) {
              console.error('Request failed:', error);
            } else if (!response || response.statusCode != 200) {
              console.error('Error:', response && response.statusCode, body.toString('utf8'));
            } else {
              // Save result
              fs.writeFileSync("clipped-" + + ".png", body);
        // TODO: Handle cm.skipped images

      case "error":
        console.error("Error: ", cm.error.code, cm.error.message);
    res.send(""); // Response is ignored

app.listen(port); // start the server
console.log('Server started! At http://localhost:' + port);
# Using Laravel, see

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

Route::post('/cmReturnUrl', function (Request $request) {
  $cm = json_decode($request->clippingMagicJson, true);
  if ($cm["event"] == 'editor-exit') {
    $images = $cm["images"];
    $clipped = $cm["clipped"];
    $skipped = $cm["skipped"];
    echo "Image 0, id: " . $images[0]["id"] . ", secret" . $images[0]["secret"];
    // TODO: React to the images getting clipped
  } else if ($cm["event"] == 'error') {
    echo "Error: " . $cm["error"]["code"] . $cm["error"]["message"];
  return "";
from flask import Flask, request
import requests
import json

app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route('/cmReturnUrl', methods=['POST'])
def cmReturnUrl():
    cm = json.loads(request.form['clippingMagicJson'])
    if cm["event"] == 'editor-exit':
        for im in cm["clipped"]:
            response = requests.get('' + str(im["id"]), headers={
                'Authorization': 'Basic MTIzOltzZWNyZXRd'})
            if response.status_code ==
                with open('clipped-' + str(im["id"]) + '.png', 'wb') as out:
                print("Error " + str(im["id"]) + ": ", response.status_code, response.text)
        # TODO: Handle cm["skipped"] images
    elif cm["event"] == 'error':
        print("Error: ", cm["error"]["code"], cm["error"]["message"])
    return ''
# Requires: gem install httpclient
require 'httpclient'
require 'json'

json = "" # TODO: in your web framework: assign this to the POST form field with key 'clippingMagicJson'

root = JSON.parse(json)
event = root["event"]
if event == "editor-exit" then
  images = root["images"] # contains full list of all images (id & secret)
  clipped = root["clipped"] # contains list of those images that were marked 'Done'
  skipped = root["skipped"] # contains list of those images that were skipped

  for image in clipped do
    image_id = image["id"]
    image_secret = image["secret"]
    url = "" + image_id.to_s
    puts url
    response = client.get(url)
    if response.status == 200 then
      # Write result to disk, TODO: or wherever you'd like"output.png", 'w') { |file| file.write(response.body) }
      puts "Error: Code: " + response.status.to_s + ", Reason: " + response.reason
elsif event == "error" then
  error = root["error"]
  status = error["status"]
  code = error["code"]
  message = error["message"]
  puts "Request Failed: Status: " + status.to_s + ", Code: " + code.to_s + ", Message: " + message

Dalsze informacje zawiera pełna dokumentacja dotycząca adresu zwrotnego URL.

Dalsze informacje zawiera pełna dokumentacja dotycząca interfejsu API pobierania serwera .

Przykład powodzenia clippingMagicJson dekoduje do:
  "event" : "editor-exit",
  "images" : [ {
    "id" : 2346,
    "secret" : "image_secret1"
  } ],
  "clipped" : [ {
    "id" : 2346,
    "secret" : "image_secret1"
  } ],
  "skipped" : [ ]
Przetestuj swój adres zwrotny URL
Przykład błędu clippingMagicJson dekoduje do:
  "event" : "error",
  "error" : {
    "status" : 400,
    "code" : 1234,
    "message" : "Example error"
  "images" : [ {
    "id" : 2346,
    "secret" : "image_secret1"
  } ],
  "clipped" : [ ],
  "skipped" : [ {
    "id" : 2346,
    "secret" : "image_secret1"
  } ]
Przetestuj swój adres zwrotny URL

Inteligentny edytor typu white label

Teoria działania:

  1. Przekaż obraz i uzyskaj id i secret identyfikujące obraz.

  2. Osadź w swojej witrynie internetowej Inteligentny edytor typu white label, w którym użytkownik może wycinać tło z obrazu.

  3. Użyj callback aby uzyskać informacje na temat postępów wycinania tła i pobrać nowe rezultaty.

Przekaż obraz

// Requires: org.apache.httpcomponents.client5:httpclient5-fluent
//      and: com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind

Request request ="")
   .addHeader("Authorization", "Basic MTIzOltzZWNyZXRd")
         .addBinaryBody("image", new File("example.jpeg")) // TODO: Replace with your image
         .addTextBody("format", "json")
         .addTextBody("test", "true") // TODO: Remove for production
         // TODO: Add more upload parameters here
ClassicHttpResponse response = (ClassicHttpResponse) request.execute().returnResponse();

if (response.getCode() == 200) {
   // Parse body
   String body = "";
   try (BufferedReader buffer = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(response.getEntity().getContent()))) {
      body = buffer.lines().collect(Collectors.joining("\n"));
   System.out.println("Body: " + body);
   JsonNode image = new ObjectMapper().readTree(body).get("image");

   // TODO: Store these
   String imageId = image.get("id").asText();
   String imageSecret = image.get("secret").asText();
   System.out.println("Id: " + imageId + ", Secret: " + imageSecret);
} else {
   System.out.println("Request Failed: Status: " + response.getCode() + ", Reason: " + response.getReasonPhrase());
using (var client = new HttpClient())
using (var form = new MultipartFormDataContent())
   client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", "MTIzOltzZWNyZXRd");
   form.Add(new ByteArrayContent(File.ReadAllBytes("example.jpeg")), "image", "example.jpeg"); // TODO: Replace with your image
   form.Add(new StringContent("json"), "format");
   form.Add(new StringContent("true"), "test"); // TODO: Remove for production
   // TODO: Add more upload parameters here

   var response = client.PostAsync("", form).Result;

   if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
      // Parse body
      String body = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
      var root = (JsonElement) System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Object>(body);
      var image = root.GetProperty("image");

      // TODO: Store these
      var imageId = image.GetProperty("id").GetInt64();
      var imageSecret = image.GetProperty("secret").GetString();
      Console.WriteLine("Id: " + imageId + ", Secret: " + imageSecret);
       Console.WriteLine("Request Failed: Status: " + response.StatusCode + ", Reason: " + response.ReasonPhrase);
// Requires "request" to be installed (see
var request = require('request');
var fs = require('fs');{
  url: '',
  formData: {
    image: fs.createReadStream('example.jpeg'), // TODO: Replace with your image
    format: 'json',
    test: 'true', // TODO: Remove for production
    // TODO: Add more upload options here
  auth: {user: '123', pass: '[secret]'},
}, function(error, response, body) {
  if (error) {
    console.error('Request failed:', error);
  } else if (!response || response.statusCode != 200) {
    console.error('Error:', response && response.statusCode, body.toString('utf8'));
  } else {
    let r = JSON.parse(body);

    // TODO: Store these
    let imageId =;
    let imageSecret = r.image.secret;
    console.log("Result", r, imageId, imageSecret);
$ch = curl_init('');

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,
    array('Authorization: Basic MTIzOltzZWNyZXRd'));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,
      'image' => curl_file_create('example.jpeg'),
      'format' => 'json',
      'test' => 'true' // TODO: Remove for production
      // TODO: Add more upload options here
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

$data = curl_exec($ch);
if (curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE) == 200) {
  $r = json_decode($data, true);

  // TODO: Store these
  $imageId = $r['image']['id'];
  $imageSecret = $r['image']['secret'];

  echo "Id: " . $imageId . ", secret: " . $imageSecret;
} else {
  echo "Error: " . $data;
# Requires "requests" to be installed (see
import requests
import json

response =
    files={'image': open('example.jpeg', 'rb')},
        'format': 'json',
        'test': 'true' # TODO: Remove for production
        # TODO: Add more upload options here
    auth=('123', '[secret]')
if response.status_code ==
    r = json.loads(response.content)

    # TODO: Store these
    imageId = r["image"]["id"];
    imageSecret = r["image"]["secret"];
    print("Result", r, imageId, imageSecret);
    print("Error:", response.status_code, response.text)
# Requires: gem install httpclient
require 'httpclient'
require 'uri'
require 'json'

client = default_header: {
  "Authorization" => "Basic MTIzOltzZWNyZXRd"

response ="", {
  "image" =>"example.jpeg", "rb"), # TODO: Replace with your image
  "format" => "json",
  "test" => "true" # TODO: Remove for production
  # TODO: Add more upload parameters here

if response.status == 200 then
  # Parse body
  image = JSON.parse(response.body)["image"]

  # TODO: Store these
  image_id = image["id"]
  image_secret = image["secret"]
  puts "Id: " + image_id.to_s + ", Secret: " + image_secret.to_s
  puts "Error: Code: " + response.status.to_s + ", Reason: " + response.reason
// Requires: org.apache.httpcomponents.client5:httpclient5-fluent
//      and: com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-databind

Request request ="")
   .addHeader("Authorization", "Basic MTIzOltzZWNyZXRd")
         .addTextBody("image.url", "") // TODO: Replace with your image URL
         .addTextBody("format", "json")
         .addTextBody("test", "true") // TODO: Remove for production
         // TODO: Add more upload parameters here
ClassicHttpResponse response = (ClassicHttpResponse) request.execute().returnResponse();

if (response.getCode() == 200) {
   // Parse body
   String body = "";
   try (BufferedReader buffer = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(response.getEntity().getContent()))) {
      body = buffer.lines().collect(Collectors.joining("\n"));
   System.out.println("Body: " + body);
   JsonNode image = new ObjectMapper().readTree(body).get("image");

   // TODO: Store these
   String imageId = image.get("id").asText();
   String imageSecret = image.get("secret").asText();
   System.out.println("Id: " + imageId + ", Secret: " + imageSecret);
} else {
   System.out.println("Request Failed: Status: " + response.getCode() + ", Reason: " + response.getReasonPhrase());
using (var client = new HttpClient())
using (var form = new MultipartFormDataContent())
   client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", "MTIzOltzZWNyZXRd");
   form.Add(new StringContent(""), "image.url"); // TODO: Replace with your image URL
   form.Add(new StringContent("json"), "format");
   form.Add(new StringContent("true"), "test"); // TODO: Remove for production
   // TODO: Add more upload parameters here

   var response = client.PostAsync("", form).Result;

   if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
      // Parse body
      String body = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
      var root = (JsonElement) System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize<Object>(body);
      var image = root.GetProperty("image");

      // TODO: Store these
      var imageId = image.GetProperty("id").GetInt64();
      var imageSecret = image.GetProperty("secret").GetString();
      Console.WriteLine("Id: " + imageId + ", Secret: " + imageSecret);
       Console.WriteLine("Request Failed: Status: " + response.StatusCode + ", Reason: " + response.ReasonPhrase);
// Requires "request" to be installed (see
var request = require('request');
var fs = require('fs');{
  url: '',
  formData: {
    'image.url': '', // TODO: Replace with your image
    format: 'json',
    test: 'true', // TODO: Remove for production
    // TODO: Add more upload options here
  auth: {user: '123', pass: '[secret]'},
}, function(error, response, body) {
  if (error) {
    console.error('Request failed:', error);
  } else if (!response || response.statusCode != 200) {
    console.error('Error:', response && response.statusCode, body.toString('utf8'));
  } else {
    let r = JSON.parse(body);

    // TODO: Store these
    let imageId =;
    let imageSecret = r.image.secret;
    console.log("Result", r, imageId, imageSecret);
$ch = curl_init('');

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,
    array('Authorization: Basic MTIzOltzZWNyZXRd'));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,
      'image.url' => '',
      'format' => 'json',
      'test' => 'true' // TODO: Remove for production
      // TODO: Add more upload options here
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

$data = curl_exec($ch);
if (curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE) == 200) {
  $r = json_decode($data, true);

  // TODO: Store these
  $imageId = $r['image']['id'];
  $imageSecret = $r['image']['secret'];

  echo "Id: " . $imageId . ", secret: " . $imageSecret;
} else {
  echo "Error: " . $data;
# Requires "requests" to be installed (see
import requests
import json

response =
        'image.url': '',
        'format': 'json',
        'test': 'true' # TODO: Remove for production
        # TODO: Add more upload options here
    auth=('123', '[secret]')
if response.status_code ==
    r = json.loads(response.content)

    # TODO: Store these
    imageId = r["image"]["id"];
    imageSecret = r["image"]["secret"];
    print("Result", r, imageId, imageSecret);
    print("Error:", response.status_code, response.text)
# Requires: gem install httpclient
require 'httpclient'
require 'uri'
require 'json'

client = default_header: {
  "Authorization" => "Basic MTIzOltzZWNyZXRd"

response ="", {
  "image.url" => "", # TODO: Replace with your image URL
  "format" => "json",
  "test" => "true" # TODO: Remove for production
  # TODO: Add more upload parameters here

if response.status == 200 then
  # Parse body
  image = JSON.parse(response.body)["image"]

  # TODO: Store these
  image_id = image["id"]
  image_secret = image["secret"]
  puts "Id: " + image_id.to_s + ", Secret: " + image_secret.to_s
  puts "Error: Code: " + response.status.to_s + ", Reason: " + response.reason

Istnieje wiele dodatkowych opcji konfiguracji przekazania zapewniających pełną kontrolę nad sposobem przetwarzania obrazów.

Osadź Inteligentny edytor typu white label

Wywołaj ClippingMagic.js w swojej witrynie internetowej, zastępując zapisane na stałe id i secret wartościami uzyskanymi z przekazania:

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
  function myCallback(opts) {
    // TODO: Replace this with your own functionality
    switch (opts.event) {
      case "error":
          alert("An error occurred: " + opts.error.status + ", " + opts.error.code + ", " + opts.error.message);

      case "result-generated":
          alert("Generated a result for " + + ", " + opts.image.secret);

      case "editor-exit":
          alert("The editor dialog closed");
  var errorsArray = ClippingMagic.initialize({apiId: 123});
  if (errorsArray.length > 0) alert("Sorry, your browser is missing some required features: \n\n " + errorsArray.join("\n "));
  else ClippingMagic.edit({
    "image" : {
      "id" : 2346,
      "secret" : "image_secret1"
    "useStickySettings" : true,
    "hideBottomToolbar" : false,
    "locale" : "pl-PL"
  }, myCallback);

Można wtedy pobrać nowo dostępne rezultaty używając serwera pobierania interfejsu API.

Dalsze informacje zawiera pełna dokumentacja dotycząca Inteligentnego edytora typu white label.

App Image JSON id + secret Human Operator CM API Clip Image App Specific (up to integration) callback() ClippingMagic.js Background Removed Fetch Image